Monday 13 December 2010

a heartbreaking weekend of staggering tragedy

On Friday morning last week I thought I pretty much knew how I would be spending the remaining days before my operation. I had a couple of draft blogposts swirling around my noggin which I was going to write over the weekend, some industrial-scale tidying up to do around the house, and then I'd spend the start of the week finishing up with work and any final preparations for going into hospital on Thursday.

At 16.25 on Friday afternoon I was waiting at a bus stop on my way home from an event when I got a phonecall to tell me that my sister's husband had passed away unexpectedly. With that piece of devestating news my family's whole world was knocked sideways into the path of an emotional rollercoaster. Three days later and I still can't make sense of the news. We visited Tanya and my niece and nephew yesterday and I can only describe those few hours with them as surreal. Being at their house without Stephen there was odd ... it still felt like he would walk in through the door any moment. I can't tell you how much I missed getting one of his huge goodbye hugs when we left.

I was going to call the hospital today to see if I'd be able to delay my operation so that I can be at his funeral but my sister wants me to go ahead with the surgery as scheduled this Thursday.

I'm really at a loss to find any words that come close to explaining how cut adrift and bewildered I'm feeling. All I do know is that I'd like to use this art project to raise some money for my sister and her children - I know that things are going to be very difficult for her now that Stephen is gone.

I had hoped that this post would be a bit more profound but the words I want to say are floating beyond my grasp at the moment.

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